Better and Stronger Brings the Leads
Fernandez Law
SEO/Lead Generation

Fernandez Law (formerly Devereaux, Stokes, Fernandez, & Leonard), a personal injury law firm in St. Louis, was looking to increase organic traffic and calls, chats, and contact us submissions to schedule a free consultation with an attorney.
The site contained over 120 service pages that consisted of thin content; a majority of the pages were not ranking for keywords or bringing traffic to the site. After completing a keyword analysis, thorough site audit, and competitor analysis, Pan Galactic condensed the site to 17 in-depth service pages. The team also tested changes to increase the conversion rate, including embedding contact us forms on service pages, making the phone number easy to tap on mobile devices and testing different photos to feature on the chat function.
123% YoY increase in organic sessions
38% YoY increase in organic contact us submissions
52% YoY increase in organic chats
125% increase in total chats
131% YoY increase in total calls
119% increase in total (calls + chats + contact us submissions) conversions