Whose to blame for Fan Growth Slowdown, Facebook or the Social Media Agency?

Attention Social Media Marketers! According to a recent study featured on Mashable, Facebook’s Timeline has caused a slowdown in growth for brands.

Image via CrunchBase

“Comments are down 6.5% per post and fan growth was “slowed slightly” for all brands on average, but brands with more than 1 million fans experienced twice the sluggishness of smaller brands. The company did not delineate the extent of that slowing.”

Facebook has not release an official statement on this issue, but CEO Victoria Ransom from Social Media Agency Wildfire suggests that it’s because “it’s much more difficult to see users’ comments, both on a brand’s wall and in the newsfeed.” Adding to the issue, “comments from other fans don’t show up in brands’ posts on users’ newsfeeds and because Timeline is now so visual with so much real estate taken up by pictures and videos, comments are quickly collapsed. This encourages likes and shares more than comments”.

We are all still waiting to see what changes to our Social Media programs these Facebook changes bring about. It’s true that Facebook’s Timeline emphasizes images over text. Users have to make a few more clicks to see what others are saying. Engagement does seem to be hampered by these changes, but is it really the fault of Facebook or that Social Media Marketers have not adapted quickly enough?

At Pan Galactic, we work hard to stay on top of current changes and trends on all Social Media networks. We would love to be your Social Media Agency of record and your partner in navigating this vibrant, exciting marketing channel.

via Fan Growth Slowed Slightly After Brands Switched To Facebook Timeline [STUDY].