Google+, Pinterest, SEO, and the Social Media Agency

Tiny Pinterest is more important than Behemoth Google+ to your SEO Efforts

Wow. Think about all the cash and resources that Google has at their disposal. It’s immense. Before I started my own Social Media Agency, I visited the Googleplex several years ago, and to say that it’s awe inspiring is not enough. Let’s juxtapose this with Pinterest.

Pinterest for social media agency
Pinterest (Photo credit: stevegarfield)

Pinterest is a scrappy startup that’s only been around a couple of years and employs less than 20 people, but their growth is staggering. Why? My guess would be in the way that most people use social juggernaut Facebook. People post pictures and comment on them. That’s probably 95% of the action I see on Facebook. In a way, we could say that Pinterest is the simplified Facebook.

I haven’t seen a single Social Media agency using Google+, and I think I know the reason. Rather than being a simplified anything, Google+ is a hybrid. It has some nice features from Twitter and some nice features from Facebook. Let’s face it, even the whole circles idea isn’t a new idea in terms of strategy. It’s a new UI concept for Facebook’s groups. Also, I don’t see anything on Google+ that I don’t already get from Twitter or Facebook.

I could go on and on about how valuable Pinterest can be in terms of SEO, but honestly this post at Search Engine Land explains it very well with some great tactical examples, and should be in the quiver of any Social Media agency.

But, the bottom line for me is the traffic. I tested both Pinterest and Google+ for a client not long ago, and the results I saw are completely supported the data in the great infographic below from Monetate.

You should know by now that I’m a big fan of Infographics, and I feel that this one illustrates fairly succinctly why your brand, or your Social Media agency, needs to look into Pinterest.

Pinterest & Google+ value to SEO
Pan Galactic Digital is a St. Louis SEO Agency and a Social Media Marketing Agency. Contact us today!